Sunday, May 16, 2010

Warm weather...

The things that warm weather does to your brain!! The sun makes you lift your head up to the heavens to soak in the rays instead of burrowing down in the chilly rain. It's nice to have these days finally. This summer I'm looking forward to spending family time. I don't know why, but it feels like it's going to be different than it usually is. I want to take my kids camping, or even on picnic for that matter... Let them run and swim and ride bike. Summers like I remember growing up.

It's so hard when you marry someone who doesn't appreciate living by the water and fishing and relaxing and spending time together! I know he appreciates it, I guess I should just say that I don't feel time is spent wisely enough for us to be together. On the other hand, I did marry a farmer didn't I? But there are days when he's not so busy, and I think he feels like he can't leave the shop for fear of something not being done!! Who knows. It's just me being jealous that he's married to the farm way before he's married to me and even on Sundays when families should be spending time together, he's gone... What a pity party I'm throwing for myself huh!!!??

Enough about him! Ha! :)

Maya is a wonderful baby and I couldn't be more thrilled with her, she's such a little dolly! Last night she slept for about 6.5 hours!! Crazy!

Lilly is my wild child... She's spending the weekend with Grandma and for some odd reason, I just miss her so much! I want to just hold her, but she's not into that very much. She'd rather be running and jumping and playing and chasing the dog! Such an energetic little being, I wonder how and where she gets it from.

Faith? Oh Faith.... My young lady. I came across some photos of when she was bout 5 or so and just can't believe how 5 years can make a child turn into an almost teenager! {Ok, we have a few years for that, but still!!!} Such a smart girl... I don't know how in the world I've been blessed with her as my daughter! She's such a great helper with the little ones and I don't know what I'd do without her.

I can't believe I'm just rambling like this!

Business is going slowly right now... Working on sending out products and gearing up for the summer. The first weddings of the season are right around the corner, so I'm excited for that! I've got different venues this year than usual, so I'm looking forward to all the new places I get to see.

Other than that.... I'm sure I've forgotten something, but we'll save it for another day.

Thanks for stopping by!

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