Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

May the Good Lord bless you and keep you...
May your turkey be moist and your friends be many. Amen.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Smily Babies are a GOOD thing...

I love this age... Not quite mobile, but alert and happy and interested in everything! Our little friend is in the 6-7 month time frame in the Baby Portrait Plan.... Talk about a super thing! Your session is pre-paid, so all you have to do is SHOW UP at the right times and you even get a complimentary 5x7 from each session out of the deal... Hello! Kind of a no-brainer! But to top it off.... When all your sessions are complete, you get to chose from an array of items as a THANK YOU for letting studio 60 capture your baby moments.... Call me to find out more info.

Is he NOT the cutest thing you've ever seen???

Monday, November 24, 2008

My family, my family....

I love them dearly... but why are they always the hardest??? Hardest to cooperate. Hardest to please. Hardest to buy for. Hardest to get organized???

This is a QUICKIE if there ever was one of Grandma (my mom) and her 5 grandkids... Lilly wasn't looking and poor Curtis' eyes are so red because I think Lilly scared him! I had the rest of them saying, "STINKY CHEESE!!" and I guess this is why I love my family. They are also the hardest not to laugh and smile with...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Love me some Christmas Pics!!!!

It's so much fun to photograph people when.... you'd never see them otherwise! What a great way to play catch up and chat... There was definitely more talk than work going on!!! :)

And it all comes together on a custom card by yours truly!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

So it was my first time...

....shooting a pregnant belly.... I've never been interested in the maternity portraits because that sounds sooooooo... uhm... lame?!? Tying it in with the Sexy Moments however... gave it a luscious twist that I would be happy to do ANY time... It's so much more romantic. Besides, this girly girl says this is the last baby and what a superrific way to remember! And did I forget to mention that I wish I could show you more, but this is supposed to be family friendly!!! hehe!!I can't forget to mention her partner in crime who ALSO had a Sexy Moments session... These girls volunteered their, uhm.... selves so I could make a beautiful portfolio of images to show all you ladies that it's the fun, fearless females who are paving the way for studio 60's Sexy Moments collections... Thank You!AND IF YOU'RE FREAKING OUT wondering if I'm just randomly posting these images.... NO! I've got permission, thank you very much! And remember! All these ladies will have awesometastic gifts for their husbands! Will you?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lilly's Belated 1 Year Photos...

So the kiddy can stand on her own, but not walk quite yet!! I wanted to get her standing, AND while she still fit into some of her dresses.... And I had to choose 1 or the other.... The dresses got it, and she wasn't walkin'. Here's some of my faves...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

More Christmas Presents...

AAAAhhhhhh yes.... so the wife who is prepared will have something to give her husband for Christmas! Check out this GREAT gift idea.... Have you made your appointment yet? Sexy Moments by studio 60: call 218.346.5420

Monday, November 10, 2008

Christmas is around the corner!

Here's a sneak peek of Little Lady 'Kady' for her 18 month pictures.... AND since we're getting close to that festive time of year, we had a couple in her very cute Christmas dress that her grandma bought her!! Love it!Ornaments 101: You bribe a kid with things that you would normally scold them for having.... As usual.A new outfit just for the occasion!And BY THE WAY!!! Have you ordered your Holiday Cards yet???? Get crackin'!

Friday, November 7, 2008

are YOU hungry???

November is NATIONAL HUNGER AWARENESS MONTH, so all sessions booked in NOVEMBER will only be $35 (reg. $50) if you bring in 2 non-perishable items for the food shelf... So many people in our own area don't have enough to eat, especially around the Holidays. Please join us in this fight for hunger, and if you aren't hungry, be thankful for what you do have!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Deer Crossing

I know, I know.... I hate snow until I see the beautiful pines covered in the stuff, or a nice sunny day after a frosty morning.... or out snowmobiling.... Or even a trek through the woods where it's peaceful.... serene.... quiet...

Until you're riding along and you come across this warning... You'd better slow down because you never know what might just jump out at ya...
....mind you, this sign was seriously... as far back in the woods as you could imagine!!!