My Great Aunt. My dad's aunt. My Grandpa's sister. A spitfire to say the least and never lacking for conversation. If you showed up at her house in the morning, you were guaranteed a cup of coffee. Show up when lunch was ready and you were sure to get your own plate... To make a long story short, due to some health reasons I got to spend lots of time with her, helping her and doing some daily chores in exchange for not only a little pay, but wonderful conversation and stories about my dad and grandparents growing up...
This Christmas Cactus is a branch off of the one that was in her sunroom for YEARS. It is actually a plant that my GREAT Grandmother had... It's trunk resembled a small tree and looked like it had actual bark on it. This thing was huge! So when she passed away last winter I wanted a little part of her but didn't feel it was my place to say anything because she had her own kids and their families and such... I cried like a baby at her funeral...
However, I was surprised to know that the Cactus was split between a couple of us green thumbs and THANKFULLY it is growing and looks wonderful. It means a lot to me to know that with umpteen others to think of, that her immediate family thought of me too...
I know it's kind of dumb to rely on physical, material things to remind you of someone, but every time I look at it I think of her and all the stories she shared with me. Hopefully this can last as long as the next generation and I can pass it down to my girls...

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