That's not nice!
It's been just crazy around here lately! Although I almost feel like I've been on a vacation because I have had 3 weekends now in a row without weddings scheduled. It's been kind of nice! Next weekend starts the weddings again and then all of a sudden it'll be September. Yikes!
Last weekend was my Mom's birthday and we thought it would be nice to head out, just the two of us and do something together. Usually if we do something, there's a mission involved, not just going with the flow... We decided on Carlos Creek Winery near Alexandria, which is totally different than what I expected! It was wonderful! However, it was hotter than hell outside and that just drains your energy... so after the wine tasting we probably would have been more in the mood for naps, however we drove into town and scoped out a couple antique/junk shops. Saw lots of great stuff that I would have been MORE than happy to drag home with me had I had a larger vehicle and a fatter wallet!
Oh well!
On the plus side, we RARELY stop at random garage sales because well... it can be a total waste of effort, but on the way towards the winery I saw a garage sale that had paper lanterns hanging in a tree... and I made the off comment about how I had a great idea for some of those things and needed to find some... Mom said to turn around and go back because they may have been for sale... Now normally, I would have just said forget it and kept driving but this time we DID turn around and head back only to find a WHOLE BOX of paper lanterns {which was exciting to me} and other miscellaneous wedding items that were from a pretty upscale wedding {we got to see photos} and we called my cousin who is recently engaged and told her about all the stuff and to make a long story short... we ended up getting some stuff for her. YAY for not paying full price for silly things like candles and and paper lanterns! :) LOL!
As for my idea, you'll have to wait until I get all my ducks in a row... It'll be good, I promise!
But alas, I'll leave you with a photo of Mom at the winery... It's 6am and I have to go and pick 12 dozen ears of corn for a gal, and then meet a lady in town and then bake some cupcakes and probably let 'the Lilly' go swimming a little in her pool...

Have a great weekend!
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