In other news! I CAN'T WAIT! to show you sneaks from Michaela and Brett's wedding... They're on a {hopefully} fabulous honeymoon in Hawaii and I'm hoping to have them done before they return to their crazy hectic lives... as in... they just moved to a new city in a new state like... the week before the wedding. Enough about that! I can't tell all their secrets! :)
During the month of JULY, 2010 studio 60 is offering ALL family sessions for $59! Yep, you heard me. I've been struggling with the fact that I have no photos around our home of our family. Kids - yes. Family - no. Well, not recently anyway! Lilly was just 8 months old during the last ones! Now she's getting closer to 3 and we have Ms. Maya!
I want to make an effort to get families doing what they love to do in the summer... boating, camping, fishing, going for a picnic, swimming, making s'mores... WHATEVER it is that makes your family come together. You all know by now that I'm a photographer who doesn't mind if no-one looks at the camera because I'm in it for the EMOTION and connections that are happening. So no worries over a formal, matchy-matchy photo shoot... I want FUN!
I think of my Dad this time of year because it's been 6 years since he's been gone. And it was sudden and unexpected. No family photos of us all together. Well, not since I was probably 19... And I cling to the image of him and I together at a family Christmas. Crappy exposure, hand in front of my face, bad clothing choices! But it's all I've got and the expressions on our faces are genuine and therefore priceless.
...I bet you can't tell which side of the family I get my looks from, eh?

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