Faith is in Pennsylvania visiting her grandparents... So it's doubly quiet. It hasn't sank in quite yet, because she spends a weekend with my mother here and there but the fact that she's across the country and won't be home until the end of July makes me miss her even more.
I have so many projects that need to get done.... Photos, of course... but the yard is starting to look like a jungle, and I profusely APOLOGIZE to any soul who wanders in because although it's a nagging chore, it's been neglected. I'm in the process of moving my equipment down a level to keep the chaos upstairs to a minimum.... however, the basement is resembling that of a lumberyard right now with many 'good intentions' there as well...
So, on that note... :) It's just been a bit more than chaotic around here and oh well, such is life, right? Life is too short to sweat the small stuff.
Here's a quick snap of my kiddos. God I love my girls!

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