I feel totally scatterbrained today for some reason, like I can't concentrate on any one thing too long for fear I might forget the other million ideas running around in my head...
For instance : A photographer friend and I are exchanging photo sessions for our families because well... DUH. Like the proverbial mechanic who always has a broken down car, we never have family photos. We have photos OF our family, but rarely are we IN them! :) So, then that took a turn to, 'Hmmm... what are we going to wear?!?' and holy Moses, either I'm really lacking in the clothing department, or I'm over thinking this WAY too much. More than likely the former because I see myself buying a whole new set of coordinating duds for this adventure...
AND then there's the trip Mom and I were planning for this fall. Nothing fancy, but just to get the heck out of dodge for the weekend... However, due to some procrastination on my part, we might have to rearrange plans a smidge. Well, really, there are a bazillion things to do in this beautiful state, so where to start has my brain a mess! Any suggestions welcome!
Then there's Lilly who's been wearing big girl panties for a week now and doing MAGNIFICENT! Wow, total 180 degree change from NOT wanting them 8 days ago.
Maya is rolling around and getting so much bigger and I'm sad to say that I haven't scheduled her baptism yet... Maybe today I should get on that.
I haven't talked to Faith in almost 2 weeks... Thankfully {for me} she'll be home in two weeks-ish and I'll get to finally talk to her!
Dean is STILL busy all the time and I'm craving some adult time {aka: DATE NIGHT} with him, since that hasn't happened since before we were married I don't think. Even for our 1st anniversary we already had Faith AND a new baby, so being relaxed and enjoying our time together hasn't happened in eons.
So! Now that you know my life story in a nut shell! Add in all the weddings and other studio 60 sessions that are happening and it seems like life is whizzing by at break neck speed...
Here's a little photo of Maya and my VERY sad attempt to do her '3 month' photos. Trust me. This is one I adore, but that's all I got and it really does take 12 hands to get things done... I swear! LOL! What a little ham, though. She's already giving me that... 'MOTHER' look.