Oh for the love of everything that's good... I've been terrible at Blogging lately! Too many things to do, too much procrastination, too many distractions... TOO MUCH FACEBOOK! Ha! No really...
On Saturday I attended the funeral of my Great Aunt... someone who was like another Grandmother to me, but strangely like a long lost best friend! I've obviously known her my whole life, but recently, as an adult, had the chance to reconnect with her during a recovery from a heart attack... We talked about anything and everything, from soup to nuts and she just inspired me so much... I know I was completely partial to her and her whims because as my Dad's aunt, she always thought of him as a favorite... I loved when she would tell me stories about her childhood and also anything that related to my Dad and Grandfather... Dad's been gone for 5 1/2 years and Grandpa will be 10 in a few weeks... The Old Lady had a Christmas Cactus that belonged to her mother,
my Great-Grandmother, and I received part of it after the funeral... What a way to start a conversation about the cactus that will HOPEFULLY grow and continue to bring back memories of my time with her!
Anyway, I cried like a baby, and I'm sure got some strange looks, but she really was an inspiration, being a widow for 37 years and raising 7 kids! Oh yes, I could go on and on and on... I'm just glad that the Lord intervened in her life, so I could have the chance to spend time with her... She'll be dearly missed.
I don't even have a photo for you, even as I'm looking outside and seeing some of the prettiest frost on the trees. I should venture out and get a few photos!
Today marks Week 30! I really can't believe it! Yesterday we had an ultrasound and watched 'Baby' puckering her lips and it was so cute... Amazing. The next few weeks will fly by, I'm sure.
Lilly is with my Mom and Faith is at school, so the house is quiet, except for the rumble of the dishwasher and my Husband of
3 WHOLE years {today!} is listening to Swap 'N' Shop in the Jacuzzi... ??? Yes. This is our life! Crazy.