HOLY Cats! Where in the world have I been for two weeks??? Uhm. Nowhere.
Not too terribly much happening right now besides loads of editing, sessions here and there, the husband being gone ALL day and night harvesting crops, meetings, appointments, a random wedding and of course the start of school, and after school snacks and HOMEWORK that needs checking and dance classes and making supper and cleaning house (ok, that one's a lie), chasing after a toddler who thinks she wants to go 'potty', and making sure someone pays attention to the dog, TRYING to visit with a friend here and there and wow.
I'm pooped.
I've got orders ready to ship on my desk, a 'DOODY' list a mile long and somehow, I can't figure out how anything gets done AT ALL!! Oh well....
C'est la vie, n'est pas?Ok, I'll shut up now because I should get some things ready to go for Monday and tomorrow the babe is going to visit some relies and I am hopefully going to get the yard under control again. It's looking a little jungle like AND to all my clients who've SEEN it like that recently... My apologies!
Have a great weekend!
PS! Can't WAIT to travel up north(east-ish) to Bayfield and gather me up some more wonderful apples and cider and.... of course... the wine. :)